June  2024
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
2 3 4 5 6 7 8

2nd Sun a. Pentecost
8:00 S.S. & Bible Class
9:30 Divine Service w/ Holy Communion
10:30 Fellowship

Pastor’s Day Off

9:00 Rummage Sale Set-up

9:00 Rummage Sale Set-up

10 am Bible Study

9:00 Rummage Sale Set-up

8:00 Men’s Bible Fellowship
9:00 Rummage Sale Set-up
4:30-5:30 Confirmation
6:30 Women’s Book Study
8am-5pm Rummage Sale 8am-3pm Rummage Sale
9 10 11 12 13 14 15

3rd Sun a. Pentecost
8:00 S.S. & Bible Class
9:30 Service of Prayer & Preaching
LWML Mite Offering

Pastor’s Day Off

10:30-12:30 Christian Women’s Fellowship

  10 am Bible Study 8:00 Men’s Bible Fellowship
10 – 2 Quilting
4:30-5:30 Confirmation
6:30 Women’s Book Study
10 – 2 Quilting
5:45 Board of Lay MInistry
16 17 18 19 20 21 22

4th Sun a. Pentecost
8:00 S.S. & Bible Class
9:30 Divine Service w/ Holy Communion
Father’s Day Desserts
Stephen Ministry

Pastor’s Day Off   10 am Bible Study 8:00 Men’s Bible Fellowship
10 – 2 Quilting
4:30-5:30 Confirmation
6:30 Women’s Book Study
10 – 2 Quilting  
23 24 25 26 27 28 29

5th Sun a. Pentecost
8:00 S.S. & Bible Class
9:30 Service of Prayer & Preaching
10:30 Fellowship
LWML Meeting

Pastor’s Day Off   10 am Bible Study 8:00 Men’s Bible Fellowship
10 – 2 Quilting
4:30-5:30 Confirmation
6:30 Women’s Book Study
10 – 2 Quilting  

6th Sun a. Pentecost
8:00 S.S. & Bible Class
9:30 Hymn Sing Service
10:30 Fellowship